A limited palette study


Project 5

Exercise 3

For this task we were asked to use our previous sketches and to develop them in colour.

The previous piece was of a group of buildings in my local area, so I attempted the same scene from the same viewpoint using a range of coloured pencils. I had pastels and coloured pencils available, however, I felt that the pastels were too thick and waxy for this. After creating the sketching the scene in line, I wanted to keep that smooth, precise appearance when moving on to adding colour to it.

First, I began by drawing in the strongest verticals of the primary focus, which was the building in the centre.

After mapping in the vertical lines of the central building, I moved on to the diagonals, and then the vertical lines of the buildings and subjects surrounding the central building.

From then, I added some detail, applying pressure to the pencils to include the colours that I could see in the buildings. I liked the appearance of the soft, subtle pencil strokes and wanted to maintain that through the piece. After I had the general base colours in I wanted to then return to work on textures and tones.

Applying small amounts of pressure to the pencil and layering the colours I was able to gradually build up the surface and the tonal values. I maintained a similar strategy to the previous exercise, and once finished with the colours and differing tones, I moved on to add fine lines and right angles to depict the form of the bricks in the wall, and even added some subtle shadowing and shade to some areas.

I’m pleased with this piece. Not as pleased as I was with the previous exercise, working on it in only line.

There are still some areas that I need to work on. Texture, being one of them. I’ve really liked working in line and colour here, and I’m really satisfied with the style in which I’ve created this piece, however, I would be keen to return to it to experiment with the creating of texture – the bricks, the pavement, the wooden doors and window panes. I think part of me was apprehensive to add these features in case I ruined the piece, but I need to be aware that there is no such thing as bad art.

The sky was completely clear and bright blue when I approached this piece and I wanted to reflect that somehow. I wasn’t sure quite how, due to the limited palette and my choice of colours, so I thought the most effective way to depict this was to leave it blank and I’m pleased with my choice. Had I the chance to use a blue coloured pencil I would have used it, but, for now, this will do.

Working on a townscape in colour is very new to me. It’s interesting and exciting but it’s very out of my comfort zone, which unsettles me a bit. I’m always a bit anxious that I’ll spoil a piece or that it won’t be perfect. As I said above, I am pleased with the outcome of this but I think I have much more to give, and I’m interested in looking into my abilities within this area.

Yes, I do think I’ve created some sense of depth, but, again, I feel that there could be much more.
The depth depicted in the townscape with line was far more apparent, but maybe that is just because I am far more used to working with pen and line than colour and tones. I’m able to see severe improvement which is a huge relief, but there’s still some way to go yet. Whatever the weather though, I’m feeling optimistic and I am confident that I’ve done well in this part of the course.

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