Basic Shapes


Project 3

Exercise 1

For this task we were asked to draw a model in a seated position, at a slight angle.

To begin with we were to consider the ventral axis that runs through them in their position and to recognise any twists or bends. I chose to quickly map out these angles and directions in line with a pencil and work from there.

Surprisingly, this task was simple. I was expecting it to be tricky and was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to accurately portray to human form through the use of shape. However, it turned out pretty well.

I made three sketches of my partner and each time moved his position, and even switched up the chair that he sat in each time to see what differences this made to his positioning and my drawings.

After mapping out the general shapes of the body, I went over those shapes to give more structure to the body and to add slight features to it.

The body is largely made up of rectangular shapes and ovals.

The torso, the arm and leg parts are rectangular in shape. The joints and head are ovals.

It’s extraordinarily simple to form the human body using these simple shapes. I found it wasn’t a challenge at all, which is something I was nervous about when approaching this task.

My favourite of the three is the drawing on the left hand side. As the model is leaning on his elbow upon the arm of the chair, his body is tilted slightly to the left. Even more so because his left leg is folded up onto his right. I like the way the form looks sitting on the chair, leaning on his elbow. Somehow, without much effort, I’ve managed to depict a casual and relaxed feel with this sketch, and I’m really pleased about that. It just goes to show that facial features and defined details aren’t exactly what makes a sketch what it is, as I’ve achieved this without either.

The proportion of the model in these sketches are fairly accurate, I would say. I think I’ve managed to accurately depict my partners body using basic shapes, whilst maintaining pretty realistic body proportion.

I worked further on the first preliminary sketch, as it was my favourite of the three.

I think, for a first attempt at a full body sketch, created using basic shapes, I’ve done pretty well.

The torso looks slightly too long (or maybe the legs are too short), however, I’m not sure whether it’s just the positioning of the model and my point of view. I think sometimes it’s necessary to tweak drawings such as this. Sometimes, even if the model does look a certain way, I have needed to alter proportions to make the sketch look accurate and more realistic.

It’s really amazed me to think that this sketch, as simple as it may be, started from just basic shapes. Working upon those shapes in pencil, layering the lines and such, pretty much eradicated all the original lines I drew. I’m no longer able to really see the axis lines or the basic shapes that this sketch started as, which is fascinating. I’m literally sat here thinking, where the hell have they gone?! But they’re there somewhere, beneath all the work.

I’m enjoying this part of the course far more than I thought I would, and I’m excited to adapt my skills further and compare the outcome of my journey at the end of this section to what I was creating at the start.

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